As the Nudgis video platform is a tool external to Moodle, integrating it into the LMS means making sure that the technical requirements are met before selecting the type of integration that will suit your needs. It is therefore necessary to have a clear understanding of the basic requirements, which stem from two essential constraints detailed here.
Table of content
1/ Identical domain names between Moodle and Nudgis (Required)
This article deals only with the technical prerequisites. To find out more about setting up and using the various integrations, please see the articles ‘How to use LTI in Nudgis’ and ‘How to set up UbiCast plugins in Moodle’
1/ Identical domain names between Moodle and Nudgis (Required)
Related to
- LTI 1.3
- LTI 1.0/1.1
- UbiCast plugins
Technical reasons
Due to the CORS security mechanism built into modern web browsers, it is imperative that the domain name for your Moodle site and your Nudgis platform are identical. This allows the integrated Nudgis content to be accessible from your Moodle site.
Setting up
Please contact your IT department to confirm that your Nudgis platform can have a domain name identical to that of your Moodle, as illustrated in the following example:
- URL of your Moodle:
- URL of your Nudgis:
If this is validated, please inform your preferred UbiCast contact in order to organise the DNS setup on your Nudgis instance (On-Premise or Cloud).
2/ Authorisation of HTTPS network flows (Port 443) in BOTH DIRECTIONS between the Nudgis platform and your server hosting Moodle (Optional)
Related to
- LTI 1.3
Technical reason
- We have implemented the LTI Advantage Dynamic Registration mechanism based on modern and secure OpenID and OAuth2 authentication standards. This allows you to use the automatic registration of your Nudgis platform in Moodle by following the instructions in the article ‘How to use LTI in Nudgis - Case 2: LTI 1.3’.
- As this prerequisite is optional, if it is not applied, you will have to register Nudgis manually in Moodle by following the instructions in the ‘Manual registration’ section of the same section of the above mentioned article.
Setting up
- Your Moodle server manager must allow inbound and outbound HTTPS (443) network traffic with your Nudgis instance (On-Premise or Cloud) as specified in the ‘Server Deployment Requirements’ document - Section 6.1.2 ‘Nudgis Frontend’ where it is mentioned as an ‘LMS (Learning Management System)’ host.
Meeting these requirements will allow you to easily integrate the UbiCast plugins into your Moodle instance, and take advantage of all their features.
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