Welcome to this article where we will specifically discuss the "Record" planned command. This command opens up many possibilities in the automation of scheduled tasks, and we will explore them together.
You have already learned how to create a scheduled event in the article "Schedule automatic events with Miris Manager", but the "Record" command is so rich that it required a dedicated article. Let's find out how it works !
Create a scheduled event in the Miris Manager calendar by clicking on the date and time range you are interested in. A window will appear with the default command "Record". Once you have adjusted the date and time settings, you can proceed to the configuration of your scheduled recording. First, select the system in your fleet that will run the command.
Then choose one of the profiles configured in the selected station. If a new profile has been created on the station, you will only access it in scheduled events by clicking "Refresh profiles list" in the Commands tab of the related system :
. In our example, we will choose the "Dual" profile. As this profile is configured for live streaming, the option appears when you select it :
By checking the "Live streaming" box, the "Record" command will perform a double operation simultaneously. Please note that for security reasons, notably related to possible network losses during the event, it is impossible to schedule only a live streaming for a planned event : these are always accompanied by a parallel security recording, in case your live streaming should experience difficulties in your absence. This way, you keep a publishable video record of the event you are covering. You can, however, start a single live streaming manually from your station's interface.
Once this is done, you can move on to the publication settings for your event.
Further down in the settings, you can enter various information about the video and the speaker :
You can give the video a title, then enter the name of the Speaker of the planned event, a teacher or trainer, for example, and, most importantly, enter their email address. This information is important, as it will be included in the metadata when the video is exported. If your Speaker has a Nudgis account, which is likely to be the case, so that they can manage and edit their videos, then they will also have a personal channel. This channel will be selectable by simply clicking the "Use speaker's channel" button. As the message below the choice of the destination channel states, it will be necessary to enter the speaker's email address, otherwise the publication will be made on the default channel of the associated Nudgis.
You can also select the default channel defined on the Nudgis instance associated with the system, usually the "Unsorted" channel. But you can also choose from the other available channels by clicking on "Select a channel from Nudgis". This will take you to a root page of the channels in question, and you can simply follow the tree structure to choose the one you want :
Once you have selected the channel, you can save the event by clicking on "Add". It is now visible in the calendar, and you can return to it at will to modify the parameters by simply clicking on it :
Be careful not to change the settings of an event in progress, as this could cause malfunctions in the internal calendar of the station performing the operation
The main information, i.e. the start and end times of the event, the selected command, and the station concerned, appear as a label on the corresponding block.
If you hover over the event, you will also see the title of the video and the Speaker, as well as the selected profile in the machine :
Your scheduled recording is now set, and will start automatically.
To compensate for the delay in actually starting a recording on the station, the command will be executed exactly one minute before the time entered
You may have noticed that there are other settings fields that we have omitted, and these are tools to be used in synergy with your station settings and the associated Nudgis, or with third party scheduling software. The next chapter of this article will discuss the latter, as well as the API call tool in the context of scheduled events.
However, the configuration of your Miris Capture stations and the associated Nudgis instance will have a big role in the behaviour of scheduled events and associated metadata, so we recommend reading the articles in the Miris Capture and Nudgis sections, whose contents will help you refine the automation features of your solutions.
As mentioned above, some of the fields in the settings window have been ignored, as they are intended to be filled in automatically. Entering the speaker's email address allows the speaker to be associated with an ID and a personal channel ID. Depending on the Nudgis settings, the metadata will have a different effect on the behaviour of the publication :
As this article is not dedicated to the Nudgis settings, we invite you to refer to the section linked above in order to learn more. But it is important to know that since the UbiCast solutions work in synergy, the settings of one can impact the other.
The speaker's email is therefore an essential part of the metadata machinery, and allows to automatically retrieve the speaker's information in order to automatically target the publication and the administration rights of the video. The "User ID" and "Publication ID" fields therefore correspond to your user's recognition ID and personal channel in Nudgis respectively, and are automatically entered when the recording is triggered.
However, in the context of the API calendar and the use of third-party scheduling softwares, the use of the "mscspeaker" argument in the "Publication ID" field allows the speaker's personal channel to be automatically associated with the publication, and may be used in many cases. To learn more about the possibilities of API calls in Miris Manager, please consult the dedicated documentation.
You can also use compatible third-party scheduling software to transfer files to the Miris Manager calendar by clicking on "Import ICS file". This will open a window allowing you to import your file and automatically implement scheduled events in the Miris Manager calendar.
You can select the station to which you wish to apply the imported calendar, as well as check the "Delete existing events" box, which allows you to delete the previous calendar from the machine, in order to avoid duplicate commands.
Finally, the last functionality is the activation of events, controlled by the "Enabled" box.
By default, this is checked, but if you disable the event, the associated command will not be run. However, the metadata associated with the event will be retrieved by the station, and applied if the command is manually triggered. This can allow the Miris Manager calendar to be used as a room reservation system, for example, while using the metadata associated with the event in case of a recording trigger during the course.
Finally, note that the last section, "Advanced parameters", offers you the possibility to edit the JSON parameters to add more metadata or create your recordings by API call.
Creating scheduled records on Miris Manager is now a breeze ! Experiment with the calendar functions on your UbiCast solution, and create your own workflow, adapted to your needs.
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