NUDGIS - 12.0.0
This document contains the functional enhancements of Nudgis 12.0.0. Please refer to the full release note that you have received by email to see all the changes.
1. New feature - Recycle Bin
This new functionality enables the administrators of the platform to restore deleted media (or channels).
If the recycle bin is enabled, any attempt to delete an element from the catalog (channel, media) will move it to the recycle bin channel, that is only accessible to administrators. It is not possible to edit a content placed in the recycle bin.
For administrators - This channel is visible among other channels (icons vue only, not in the drop-down menu on the left) and its content can be found via the search bar.
Administrators can directly access the Recycle Bin by clicking on the bin icon on the top right of their screen.
For regular users (non admin) - The Recycle Bin channel and its content won't appear in a any view (search bar, global channels or other).
The recycle bin will be enabled by default as soon as your platform will be in version 12.0.
The UI differs whether the BETA or the legacy UI is enabled in the user's profile.
For more information about its usage and setup, please check this article.
1.1. BETA interface
In the new BETA interface, administrators can also notice the bin icon on the top right of their screen.
Clicking on this icon will open a sidebar in which it will be possible to delete or restore several items simultaneously (multiple selection).
1.2. Legacy interface
In the legacy interface, the bin icon is a shortcut button to the Recycle Bin channel.
N.B. : As a kind reminder, multiple actions are only possible in the new beta UI.
2. New feature - Open ID Connect
We have added support of the authentication through OpenID Connect. To set it up, please navigate to :
Administration > Authentication services > OpenID Connect.
3. Enhancement - Automatically display subtitles
By default, the subtitles are now automatically displayed if they are available in the user's language and if they differ from the video's language. The preferences are specific for each user and stored in the user's browser cookies.
4. Major change - Debian 12 update
IMPORTANT: Debian 12 operating system is now required. If you have an On-premise Premium Support contract, please contact our Support team to schedule the operation, as it implies a service interruption (estimated at 4 hours at maximum). If you have an On-premise Regular Support contract, please contact your IT team to follow the instructions to upgrade from Debian 11 to Debian 12 : Note: Debian 11 is still supported with Nudgis 11 which will only receive critical bug fixes after this release. |
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