Welcome to this article in which we look at the options available in the General tab of the Settings section. This article is dedicated to the Miris administrator and will be divided into two parts: interface settings and configuration management.
First, we'll take a look at the interface settings, in particular how to enable debug mode and when you might need it.
In the following section, you'll learn how to manage the configuration of your Miris station, i.e. backup, restore and reset. It will also allow you to lock the station's parameters and change the ubicast account password if required.
Interface settings
In this first section, you can change the time zone for displaying dates on the station. By default, this is set to the entry "Time zone configured on this Miris Capture system", which corresponds to the parameter defined in the system parameters of the "Configuration" tab, then the "System" sub-tab.
Please note that it is essential for the station clock to be synchronized, which is why we recommend the use of a time server. To do this, we recommend reading our article "Configuring the Miris clock".
Next, you can "Enable debug mode". It can be interesting, if you need to copy profiles from one station to another, because when debug mode is enabled, you'll be able to edit the raw data of the configuration files directly on the station with the new button that just appeared.
Don't forget to deactivate debug mode when you've finished copying your recording profile.
Please do not make any other manipulations by editing the files directly, as you can easily corrupt the files with syntax errors.
Configuration management
In this section, we'll look at the various options for managing the station's configuration.
Lock settings
Once you've entered the password for your ubicast account, this feature will lock access to the station's parameters, giving you access only to the "Debug" tab.
Change password
Allows you to change the ubicast account password. Of course, you need to know the current password to be able to change it. For example, if your password has been compromised :
Back up software configuration (excludes system settings)
Backups are important and here you can save the settings from Configuration tab of the Miris, including publication platforms, recording profiles and advanced parameters . By default, the file will be named "export.json".
Click on “Back up software configuration (except system settings)” to save the “export.json” backup file:
So, if you have a station that has broken down, you can easily restore all the station's parameters if you have made a backup beforehand.
Restore software configuration (excludes system settings)
Allows you to restore a previously saved configuration.
Click on “Restore software configuration (excludes system settings)” to restore the configuration :
Then select the backup file “export.json” and click on the “Save” button.
RESET IN DEFAULT SETTINGS (excludes system settings)
Factory reset erases all settings and returns your device to its original state:
Select one of the options, then click on the OK button to confirm.
If you choose the second option, "Erase settings, media and system configurations, then reboot". The next time you access the device, you'll land on the Miris station initialization page. Please refer to our article "Quickstart guide" to reconfigure your station.
Congratulations! You've finished managing your station's general settings! Now you can start creating your first recording profiles!
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