Adding media, WebStudio, Dynamic Rich Media player or Activities, all of this is no longer a mystery to you. But these media-related functions have no direct effect on the content. Thanks to the Edit mode, you can open up new possibilities for adjusting the elements of your video to your taste, and enriching your content.
The editing menu is rich in features and settings, and it would be pointless to make an exhaustive tour of it in a single article. In these lines, we will only cover the "Trimming" tab of this menu, but you can find other articles on editing your videos in the Nudgis section of our Help Center.
To access your media edition menu, click on "Edit" in the top right-hand corner of the player :
Then go to the "Trimming" tab to create one or more videos from your original media. As you can see in the screenshot below, a player is present in this tab, displaying the complete video. This player has all the features and annotations linked to the media, to give you all the graphic elements you need for your trimming.
If the media is itself a trimming, a note indicating its origin will be present on this page. By clicking on the link provided, you will be redirected to the parent video
Let's take a look at the tool's functions. Simple and intuitive, the control bar lets you select the parts of the video you want to extract with precision. To create your first trimming, move the playback cursor to the desired point as an entry point. Use the "Backward one frame" and "Forward one frame" buttons to fine-tune your selection. Then, once you have chosen the entry point, click on "Start new clip here" :
This new extract will appear on the right-hand side of the player, in the "Clips" panel :
You can also notice that the playback bar from the entry point changes color and becomes cross-hatched, to clearly mark the point of creation of the new clip, and the piece of video in which the exit point can be defined.
The new extract created in the Clips panel allows you to fine-tune the input and output time codes using the editable "Start" and "End" fields. You can also select these points by navigating with the playback bar cursor, and using the one frame forward/backward function.
Once the exit point has been defined, click on "Stop current clip here". The extract appears clearly on the playback bar.
You have now created a new video by trimming the original. Click on "Preview" in the playback bar or in the "Clips" panel to view the extract as it will be displayed.
If several clips are created, the "Preview" function will play them all back in chronological order, to display the new video in its entirety
You can modify the extract at any time, using the time code fields, but also the buttons for doing so on the fly. You will notice that their labels change, to clearly distinguish the clip you are working on from the other potential extracts on the playback bar :
If you want to create more than one scene from the same media, you can create new clips :
If you create several extracts, they will be arranged in chronological order in the " Clips " panel. Once all your scenes have been defined and checked using the "Preview" function, simply click on "Create new video". A pop-up window will ask you to enter a title for your new media, and offer to go directly to its location at the moment of creation :
The separate sequences will be merged into a single video during the trimming process
Once you have entered the title and defined your choice for the option, click on "Create new video". The trimming task will then run automatically, and show its progress until completion :
Once the task has been completed, if the "Go to new video" option has been left activated (this is the default setting), you will be redirected to the media page resulting from the trimming process :
Trimmings are sent in the same channel / sub-channel as the original content from which they originate. In this example, "My first Nudgis trimming" was created in the user and speaker User Doc's personal channel.
In the " Trimming " tab of the original video, you can find a link to your extract, and the option of deleting it :
You can also view the status of the last trimming jobs associated with the original media.
You can create as many trimmings as you like from the same media. The only limit is the storage capacity of your Nudgis
Video trimming in Nudgis remains a simple, easy-to-use tool for creating clean videos from raw content. Visit your Nudgis videos to discover this function and other media-editing features !
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