Welcome to this article, in which we look at the possibilities available for diagnosing a problem on your station. This article is dedicated to the Miris administrator and will be divided into two parts: firstly, we'll present the debugging tab to retrieve information about your problem, and secondly, we'll show you which tools are available on the command line to optimize your diagnostics.
When you receive an error report on your Miris Manager, the station will send an error notification in red in the station's Message tab.
Don't panic, the first thing to do is to check that your recording profile is correctly configured. If it is the case, the station may have experienced a malfunction.
To analyze the problem, you can retrieve a diagnostic archive which will provide you with exhaustive information thanks to the logs available on the station.
Diagnostic archive
The Miris system lets you retrieve a diagnostic archive via Settings > Debug tab > Logs.
First of all, you can choose when you want to retrieve the logs, then you can filter them.
By default, all logs will be displayed in the preview below. You can filter to retrieve recording information from the logs. If you have any problems with your exports, you can consult the publishing logs. RS232 calls will be available in the API logs. Finally, if the station is unable to connect to your Miris Manager, please consult the Miris Manager logs.
To update the logs in the overview, please click on the “Refresh” button, otherwise please use the “Download diagnostic archive” button to send this information as a ZIP archive to our Support team for analysis.
For more experienced users, some commands can be performed in text mode.
Command line
Your Miris station is also equipped with command-line tools which allow you to run tests to enhance your diagnostics.
To access these commands via the Miris web terminal, you'll need the password for the “ubicast” account.
You can find it in the "Settings > Configuration > Advanced settings > api > Advanced options tab".
If you don't have it anymore, please contact UbiCast support.
Then go to “Settings > System tab > Console”.
This takes you to the station shell prompt, where you can enter commands.
Please pay close attention to the commands you use, as you are using the text-mode interface to interact directly with the station.
Device detection problem
To check that the system is operational, you can run this test, which will take 1 minute (without being on the registration page with a preview) “mc-diag.py -l -d 60”.
If the tests are validated, you'll get this result, for example for a Miris Box Mini
This allows you to confirm that HDMI video/audio capture works, as well as audio capture with a 3.5 mm jack cable.
Here are some commonly errors you can encountered.
- You may come across this message when the stream from your network camera is not detected:
Source error camera: Could not open resource for reading and writing.
Firstly, please check that the network cable connection between your camera and your network is correct. You can confirm this by using the ping command from your Miris station towards the IP address of the camera to ensure that communication is effective. For example, if your camera is in :
If you manage to ping the camera, but you are still getting the error message, please check that the RTSP link for the camera is correct. As a reminder, here are some RTSP links from various manufacturers:
Manufacturer | RTSP URL example |
Canon | rtsp:// |
Kiloview | rtsp:// |
SONY | rtsp:// |
Panasonic | rtsp:// |
- If you have an error with your HDMI device, please run the diagnostic test presented in the ‘Device detection problem’ section.
- When your audio source is not detected for a USB audio device, you may encounter this type of message:
Audio source not found: alsa-Dante USB I/O Module 001/004 0
Sometimes, you will need to select the correct USB audio device again in your recording profile, because the device identifiers may have changed during a Miris system update.
If you still get this error message despite having made the change, you will need to check whether it is detected by the system. Please use the "lsusb" command to verify that your USB device is correctly listed.For example, for a Dante AVIO adapter, you should get :
- Finally, you may encounter this message when loading your profile:
No connected video output detected, disabling video preview
This simply indicates that you have activated video preview even though there is no screen connected to the station. To stop getting this message, please connect a screen or deactivate the option in your associated recording profile:
- Sony camera detection help
We've integrated a tool that lets you detect Sony cameras on your network with the “mc-detect-sony.py” command. In this example, a Sony SRC-X400 camera has been detected:
- NDI stream detection help
The “mc-ndi.py” command will list the NDI sources available on your network.
You have now managed to retrieve information about your problem, and will be able to solve it or pass it on to the UbiCast support team. You will soon be able to resume using your station!
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